In Episode 33, we talk about the 1976 classic science fiction film 'LOGAN'S RUN'
In the year 2274, humanity resides within a massive, encapsulated metropolis, where automated machinery caters to their every need, granting them the freedom to indulge in ceaseless pleasure-seeking. However, this lifestyle comes with an expiration date - on Last day, individuals who have reached the age of 30 are required to participate in Carousel, an exhilarating yet terrifying experience that promises a renewal of life. The film, which earned a Special Achievement Academy Award for Visual Effects due to its use of laser holography, features Michael York as Logan 5, a Sandman charged with capturing those who attempt to escape Carousel. As Logan approaches his own 30th birthday, the chase is on.
Tune into our discussion as we share our perspectives on the movie and other related topics.
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